Page 421 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 421
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
ca lam i ty comes, the wick ed are brought down... Wisdom re pos es
in the heart of the dis cern ing... Righteousness ex alts a na tion, but
sin is a dis grace to any peo ple. (Proverbs, 14:1-34)
A gen tle an swer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up an -
ger. The tongue of the wise com mends knowl edge, but the
mouth of the fool gush es fol ly. The eyes of the Lord are ev ery -
where, keep ing watch on the wick ed and the good. The tongue
that brings heal ing is a tree of life, but a de ceit ful tongue crush -
es the spir it. A fool spurns his fa ther's dis ci pline, but who ev er
heeds cor rec tion shows pru dence. The house of the right eous
con tains great treas ure, but the in come of the wick ed brings
them troub le. The lips of the wise spread knowl edge; not so the
hearts of fools... The prayer of the up right pleas es Him. The
Lord dislikes the way of the wick ed but He loves those who
pur sue right eous ness... A mock er re sents cor rec tion; he will not
con sult the wise. A hap py heart makes the face cheer ful, but
heart ache crush es the spir it. The dis cern ing heart seeks knowl -
edge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on fol ly... The cheer ful heart
has a con tin u al feast. Better a lit tle with the fear of the Lord than
great wealth with tur moil. Better a meal of veg e ta bles where
there is love than a fat ten ed calf with ha tred. A hot-tem pered
man stirs up dis sen sion, but a pa tient man calms a quar rel. The
way of the slug gard is blocked with thorns, but the path of the
up right is a high way. A wise son brings joy to his fa ther, but a
fool ish man de spis es his moth er. Folly de lights a man who lacks
judg ment, but a man of un der stand ing keeps a straight course.
Plans fail for lack of coun sel, but with many ad vis ers they suc -
ceed. A man finds joy in giv ing an apt re ply—and how good is a
4. Allah’s name of al-Basir (Who best sees everything at every moment) is described by
use of simile.