Page 420 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 420
ward of the right eous... he who loves him [his son] is care ful to
dis ci pline him. (Proverbs, 13:1-25)
He whose walk is upright fears the Lord... A fool's talk brings a rod
to his back, but the lips of the wise pro tect them... A truth ful wit -
ness does not de ceive, but a false wit ness pours out lies. The mock -
er seeks wis dom and finds none, but knowl edge comes eas i ly to
the dis cern ing. Stay away from a fool ish man, for you will not
find knowl edge on his lips. The wis dom of the pru dent is to give
thought to their ways, but the fol ly of fools is de cep tion... good will
is found among the up right... The tent of the up right will flour ish.
There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to
death [hell]... The faith less will be ful ly re paid for their ways, and
the good man re ward ed for his. A sim ple man be lieves any thing,
but a pru dent man gives thought to his steps. A wise man fears the
Lord and shuns evil, but a fool is hot head ed and reck less. A
quick-tem pered man does fool ish things, and a crafty man is hat -
ed. The sim ple in her it fol ly, but the pru dent are crowned with
knowl edge... He who de spis es his neigh bor sins, but bless ed is he
who is kind to the needy. Do not those who plot evil go astray? But
those who plan what is good find love and faith ful ness. All hard
work brings a prof it, but mere talk leads on ly to pov er ty... the fol -
ly of fools yields fol ly. A truth ful wit ness saves lives, but a false
wit ness is de ceit ful. He who fears the Lord has a se cure for tress,
and for his chil dren it will be a ref uge. The fear of the Lord is a
foun tain of life [It becomes a means for the righteous to attain
paradise], turn ing a man from the snares of death [hell]... A pa -
tient man has great un der stand ing, but a quick-tem pered man
dis plays fol ly. A heart at peace gives life to the body, but en vy
rots the bones... who ev er is kind to the needy hon ors God. When