Page 400 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 400
I re joiced with those who said to me, "Let us go to the house of
the Lord." Our feet are stand ing in Your gates [the entrance to the
holy place where God's name is remembered]... "May those who
love You be se cure. May there be peace with in your walls and
se cu ri ty with in your cit a dels." For the sake of my broth ers and
friends, I will say, "Peace be with in you."... I will seek your pros -
per i ty. (Psalms, 122:1-9)
Praise be to the Lord... Our help is in the name of the Lord, the
Maker of heav en and earth. (Psalms, 124:6-8)
Those who trust in the Lord... can not be shak en but en dures
for ev er. (Psalms, 125:1)
Unless the Lord builds the house, its build ers la bor in vain. Un-
less the Lord watch es over the city, the watch men stand guard
in vain... toi ling for food to eat—He grants sleep to those He
loves. (Psalms, 127:1-2)
Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in His ways. You will
eat the fruit of your la bor; bless ings and pros per i ty will be yours...
Thus is the man bless ed who fears the Lord. (Psalms, 128:1-4)
Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord; O Lord... If you, O Lord,
kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with You
there is for give ness there fore You are feared. I wait for the Lord,
[I love God, I seek His approval], my soul waits, and in His word
I put my hope. My soul waits [loves God, seeks His approval] for
the Lord more than watch men wait for the morn ing, more than
watch men wait for the morn ing... put your hope in the Lord, for
with the Lord is un fail ing love and with Him is full re demp -
tion. (Psalms, 130:1-7)