Page 386 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 386
mes sen gers... did call up on the Lord, and He an swered them...
they kept His tes ti mo nies, and the stat ute that He gave them. O
God, our Lord, You did an swer them; a for giv ing God were You
un to them... Exalt our Lord, our God, and wor ship... for the Lord,
our God is ho ly. (Psalms, 99:2-9)
Shout un to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with glad ness;
come be fore His pres ence with joy ful sing ing. Know that the
Lord is God; it is He that has made us, and we are His... give
thanks un to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His
mer cy en dures for ev er... (Psalms, 100:1-5)
I will sing of mer cy and jus tice; un to You, O Lord, will I sing
prais es. I will be care ful to lead a blame less life... I will walk in
my house with blame less heart will set be fore my eyes no vile
thing. The deeds of faith less men I hate; they will not cling to
me. A per verse heart shall de part from me; I will know no evil
thing. Whoever slan dered his neigh bour in se cret, him will I
de stroy [in the sprit i u al sense]; whose is haugh ty of eye and
proud of heart, him will I not suf fer. My eyes are up on the faith -
ful of the land, that they may dwell with Me; he whose walk is,
he will min is ter to Me. No one who prac ti ces de ceit will dwell
in My house; no one who speaks false ly will stand in My pres-
ence... (Psalms, 101:1-7)
... You, O my Lord... Your name is un to all gen er a tions... So the
na tions will fear the name of the Lord [will have fear of God's
Might and Power], and all the kings of the earth Your glo ry... Of
old You did lay the foun da tion of the earth; and the heav ens are
Your work. They will per ish, but You will en dure; they will all
wear out like a gar ment. Like cloth ing you will change them and
they will be dis card ed. (Psalms, 102:12-26)