Page 385 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 385
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
courts... O wor ship the Lord! Tremble be fore Him, all the earth!
Say among the na tions: 'The Lord reigns.'... He will judge the
peo ples with eq ui ty. Let the heav ens be glad, and let the earth
re joice; let the sea roar, and the ful ness there of! Let the field ex -
ult; and all that is there in; then shall all the trees of the wood sing
for joy. (Psalms, 96:1-12)
The Lord reigns; let the earth re joice; let the mul ti tude of isles be
glad!.. His light nings light ed up the world; the earth saw, and
trem bled... The heav ens de clared His right eous ness, and all peo -
ples saw His glo ry. Ashamed be all they who wor ship im a ges,
that boast them selves of idols! Worship Him... For You, my Lord,
are most high above all the earth... You are ex alt ed... O you that
love the Lord, hate evil. He pres erves the souls of His saints [His
de vot ed ser vants], He de liv ers them out of the hand of the
wick ed. Light is sown for the right eous, and glad ness for the
up right in heart. Be glad in the Lord, you right eous; and give
thanks to His ho ly name! (Psalms, 97:1-12)
Oh sing un to God a new song; For He has done mar vel lous
things... Shout un to the Lord, all the earth; break forth and sing
for joy, you, sing prais es! Sing prais es un to the Lord with the
harp; with the harp and the voice of mel o dy! With trump ets and
sound of the horn shout you be fore... the Lord. Let the sea roar,
and the ful ness there of; the world, and they that dwell there in.
Let the floods clap their hands; let the moun tains sing for joy to -
geth er. (Psalms, 98:1-9)
The Lord is great...and He is ex alt ed over all the peo ples. Let
them praise Your name as great and awe some; Holy is He. Exalt
you God, our Lord... Holy is He. Moses and Aaron among His