Page 383 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 383
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
fools do not un der stand... But You, o Lord, are ex alt ed for ev er.
The right eous will flour ish like a palm-tree; they shall grow
like a ce dar in Lebanon... They will still bring forth fruit in old
age; they will stay fresh and green, pro claim ing, "The Lord is
up right; He is my strength." (Psalms, 92:1-15)
The Lord reigns; He is clothed in maj es ty; the Lord is clothed, He
has gird ed Himself with strength. The world is es tab lished, that
it can not be moved. Your throne is es tab lished of old; You are
from ev er last ing. The floods have lift ed up, O the Lord, the
floods have lift ed up their voice; the floods lift up their roar ing.
Your stat utes stand firm... (Psalms, 93:1-5)
Consider, you sense less ones among the
peo ple; and you fools, when will you be -
come wise? He that plant ed the ear, shall
He not hear? He that formed the eye,
shall He not see? He that in struct ed na -