Page 387 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 387

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

            Bless the Lord, O my soul! And let all that is with in me bless His

            ho ly name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and for get not all His bene -
            fits! Who for gives all your in iq ui ty; Who heals all Your dis -
            eases. Who re deemed Your life from the pit; Who en com pass es
            you with lov ing-kind ness and ten der mer ci es... so that Your
            youth is re newed like the ea gle. The Lord ex e cutes right eous -
            ness, and acts of jus tice for all that are op pressed... The Lord is
            full of com pas sion and gra cious... and plen te ous in mer cy... so
            great is His mer cy to ward them that fear Him... so has the Lord
            com pas sion up on them that fear Him... As for man, his days are

            as grass; as a flow er of the field, so he flour ish es. For the wind
            pass es over it, and it is gone; and the place there of knows it no
            more. But the mer cy of the Lord is from ev er last ing to ev er last -
            ing up on them that fear Him; and His right eous ness un to chil -
            dren's chil dren; To such as keep His cov e nant, and to those that
            re mem ber His pre cepts to do them... His king dom rules over all.
            Bless the Lord, you an gels of His, you mighty in strength, that ful -

            fil His word. Praise the Lord... you His ser vants who do His will.
            Praise the Lord... praise the Lord, O my soul! (Psalms, 103:1-22)

            Praise the Lord, O my soul! You are clothed with glo ry and
            majes ty... Who cov ers Yourself with light...Who did es tab lish
            the earth up on its foun da tions, that it should not be moved for

            ev er and ev er. You did cov er it with the deep as with a ves ture;
            the wa ters stood above the moun tains... They [wa ters] flowed
            over the moun tains, they went down in to the val leys to the place
            You as signed for them. You did set a bound which they should
            not pass over, that they might not re turn to cov er the earth. Who
            sends forth springs in to the val leys; they run be tween the moun -
            tains. They give drink to ev ery beast of the field, the wild don -

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