Page 389 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 389

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

            His strength; seek His face [approval of God] al ways. Remem-

            ber the wond ers He has done [Supreme Creation], His mir a cles,
            and the judg ments He pro nounced... He is the Lord our God;
            His judg ments are in all the earth. (Psalms, 105:1-7)

            Praise the Lord. O give thanks un to the Lord; for He is good; for
            His mer cy en dures forev er. Who can ex press the mighty acts of

            the Lord, or ful ly de clare his praise? Happy are they that keep
                      jus tice, that do right eous ness at all times... Then be -
                           lieved they His words; they sang His praise.
                             They soon for got His works... They be lieved
                               not His word; And they mur mured in their
                               tents, they heark en ed not un to the voice of
                                  the Lord. And they served their idols,
                                    which be came a snare un to them; and
                                     shed in no cent blood... Thus were they

                                        de filed with their works, and went
                                           astray in their do ings. Many times
                                            did He de liv er them; but they
                                             were re bel lious in their coun -
                                              sel, and sank low through their
                                              in iq ui ty. Save us, our God...

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