Page 382 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 382


                 He who dwells in the house of the Most High [the one who re-
                 members God in God's houses] will rest in the shad ow of the
                 Almighty [tak ing ref uge in God]. I will say of Lord, Who is my
                 ref uge and my for tress, my God, in Whom I trust. That He will
                 de liv er you from the snare of the fowl er, and from the dead ly
                 pes ti lence. He will cov er you with His wings , and un der His
                 wings shall you take ref uge; His truth is a shield [protector] and
                 a ram part. You will not fear the ter ror of night, nor the ar row
                 that flies by day; nor the pes ti lence that stalks in the dark ness,

                 nor the plague that de stroys at mid day. For you have made the
                 Lord Who is my ref uge, even the Most High, your hab i ta tion
                 [be ing God's friend, seek ing ref uge in Him]. No harm will be -
                 fall you, no dis as ter will come near your tent. For He will give
                 His an gels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways... 'Be -
                 cause he has set his love up on Me, there fore will I de liv er him; I

                 will set him on high [I will protect him], be cause he has known
                 My name. He will call up on Me, and I will an swer him; I will be
                 with him in troub le; I will res cue him, and bring him to hon or.
                 With long life will I sat is fy him, and show him My sal va tion.'
                 (Psalms, 91:1-16)

                 It is a good thing to give thanks un to Your Lord, and to sing
                 prais es un to Your name, O Most High. To de clare Your lov ing-
                 kind ness in the morn ing, and Your faith ful ness at night. With an
                 in stru ment of ten-stringed lyre, and the mel o dy of the harp! For
                 You, my Lord, has made me glad through Your work; I will ex ult
                 in the works of Your hands. How great are Your works, O Lord!
                 Your thoughts are very deep! The sense less man does not know,

                 33. A description of Allah being the Protector by way of simile.
                 34. A description of Allah being the Protector by way of simile.

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