Page 381 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 381

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

            ones [among the true be liev ers] God is great ly feared; He is

            more awe some than all who sur round Him... The heav ens are
            Yours, Yours al so the earth; the world and the full ness there of,
            You have found ed them. The north and the south, You have cre -
            at ed them...Your arm is en dued with pow er; Your hand is
            strong, and Your right hand ex alt ed. 32  Righteousness and jus -
            tice are the foun da tion of Your throne [God's Glorious Author-
            ity]; mer cy and truth go be fore You. Happy is the peo ple that
            know the joy ful shout; they walk, O Lord, in the light of Your
            coun te nance. In Your name do they re joice all the day; and

            through Your right eous ness are they ex alt ed. For You are the
            glo ry of their strength; and in Your fa vor our strength is ex alt -
            ed. For Lord is our shield [God is our Protector]... Blessed be
            Lord for ev er more. Amen, and Amen. (Psalms, 89:1-52)

            You have been our dwell ing-place in all gen er a tions. Before the

            moun tains were brought forth, or ev er You have formed the
            earth and the world, even from ev er last ing to ev er last ing, You
            are God. You make mor tal man to re turn to dust, and say, "Re-
            turn, chil dren of men." For a thou sand years in Your sight are
            like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night. You
            car ry them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep; in the morn -
            ing they are like grass which grow up. In the morn ing it flour ish,

            and grow up; in the even ing it is cut down, and with er... O sat is -
            fy us in the morn ing with Your mer cy; that we may re joice and be
            glad all our days. And let the gra cious ness of the Lord our God
            be up on us; es tab lish You al so up on us the work of our hands;
            yes, establish the work of our hands. (Psalms, 90:1-17)

            32. The fact that Allah is the Lord of sublime might and power is described by analogy.

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