Page 351 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 351

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

            The Lord takes care of me ; I will not be with out any good thing.
            He makes a rest ing-place for me in the green fields: He is my
            guide by the qui et wa ters. He gives new life to my soul: He is
            my guide in the ways of right eous ness be cause of His name.
            Yes, though I go through the val ley of deep shade, I will have no
            fear of evil; for You are with me... Truly, bless ing and mer cy will
            be with me all the days of my life; and I will have a place in the
            house of the Lord all my days. (Psalms, 23:1-6)

            The earth is the Lord's, with all its wealth; the world and all the
            peo ple liv ing in it. For He found ed it up on the seas and es tab -
            lished it up on the wa ters. (Psalms, 24:1-2)

            He who has clean hands and a true heart; whose de sire has not
            gone out to fool ish things, who has not tak en a false oath. He
            will have bless ing from the Lord, and right eous ness from the
            God of his sal va tion. (Psalms, 24:4-5)

            To You, O Lord, my soul is lift ed up. O my God, I have put my
            faith in You... Let no ser vant of Yours be put to shame; may those
            be shamed who trans gress with out cause. Make Your steps clear
            to me, O Lord; give me knowl edge of Your ways. Be my guide
            and teach er in the true way; for You are the God of my sal va tion;
            I am wait ing for Your word all the day. O Lord... Remember not
            the sins of my youth and my re bel lious ways ; let Your mem o ry
            of me be full of mer cy, O Lord, be cause of Your right eous ness.
            Good and up right is the Lord: so He will be the teach er of sin ners

            in the way. He guides the hum ble in what is right and teach es

            11. Allah is He Who shows the way to His servants and bestows salvation on them.
            12. In the sense of believers praying to Allah "for their evils to be hidden and their errors

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