P. 38


         wrote down five final lines and narrowed it down to one that he believed in the
         most and that was “Just Do It”.
         Wieden was recalling a man in Portland when coming up with a new Nike
         slogan. The man grew up in Portland, where he was doing criminal acts and
         then murdered a man and a woman. When the criminal was standing in front
         of the firing squad, they asked him if he had any final thoughts. The criminal
         said: Let’s do it. Wiener didn’t like Let’s do it, so he changed it to Just Do It.
         The criminal mentioned before was Gary Gilmore, who grew up in Portland,
         the hometown of both Nike and Wieden+Kennedy.
         Phil Knight, Nike’s co-founder was very sceptical about the slogan and he told
         Wieden “We don’t need that shit”. Wieden really believed in the slogan and he
         persuaded him to trust him on this one and it went big really quickly. The both
         slogan and Nike’s swoosh logo helped  the brand to overtake the then-rival
         Reebok and form it into a global giant as we all know it now. Many magazines
         and  journalists  described  the  slogan  as  the best  tagline  of  the  20th century,
         connecting the current situation with people and making them believe that they
         can be successful too by  wearing the Nike products. The key  was that the
         tagline was short, simple and memorable.
         The slogan was so successful that it received many comments and was included
         in many memes in the last years. We can find plenty of just do it memes on the
         internet,  mostly  with  funny and/or sarcastic  meaning. Most likely the  most
         famous one is Shia Labeouf just do it meme, more specifically the video of
         Shia Labeouf screaming “Just Do It”.
         Exercise 119. Watch the video 1.13 and answer the questions.
         Answer the questions:
      1.  What is the second reason why employees quit?
      2.  What does “lack of autonomy” mean?
      3.  Why do good workers become bored?
      4.  What does the notion “routine work” mean?
      5.  What should a good manager do?
         Reason  #2  why  your  good  employees  are  leaving  you  is  due  to  a  lack
         (нехватка) of challenging (вызовов) work. Now when it comes to (когда
         дело  доходит  до)  challenging  work  there  are  actually  two  subsets
         (подгруппы)  to  this.  The  first  –  is  that  there’s  not  enough  autonomy
         (недостаточно  автономии).  Meaning  the  employee  does  not  get  enough
         independence (незвисимости) and freedom to do their work. Or two – the
         work isn’t challenging (на работе нет сложных задач/вызовов) because it’s
         too routine. First let’s talk about lack of challenging work in terms of (если
         говорить  о)  lack  of  autonomy.  Good  employees  like  to  feel  a  sense  of

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