P. 52


         Consider  that  your  lack  of passion may  be  causing  you  to  lose  focus
         throughout (на протяжении) the day. If this sounds like you, it might (может
         быть) be time to contemplate (рассматривать) taking a new direction in life.
         Finding a new path (дорогу) in life can be frightening (быть страшно). The
         payoff (вознаграждение) of facing (встретиться) your fears is being able to
         focus more for longer periods while being able to spend time on what you love.
         Try new things, spend time focusing on yourself, and find out what makes your
         clock tick.
         One of the best ways to discover your drive and purpose is to use the ‘5
         Whys‘. This form of self-questioning will help you get to the core (основы)
         of what you want out of life.
         It works like this…Let’s say your initial (изначальное) want is to “make more
            Why do you want to make more money? “Because I want to buy a big
            Why  do  you  want  a  big  house? “Because  living  in  a  big  house  is
            Why does only a big house make you comfortable? “Because I have a big
             family, with a wife and three kids; we need a big house for everyone.”
            Why do you want a big house for everyone to live in? “Because I want
             them to live in a comfortable place.”
            Why is that? “Because I love my family and I want them to be happy.”
         Can you now see the clear difference between the initial want and the true
         purpose at the end? In this example, you thought you wanted more money; but
         in reality, what you truly want is for your family to be happy. While making
         more money and getting a big house could do that, how you treat your family
         and the time you spend with them are key elements too.
         Deal  With  Your  Procrastination  Habit:  Distractions  (отвлекающие
         факторы)  and  multitasking  can  undermine  (подорвать)  your  efforts,  but
         if procrastination takes control of your life — you’ll be beaten (проиграешь)
         before you even get started. You know what we mean, finding it a struggle
         (борьба) to get out of bed, putting off working on your first tasks of the day
         and finding every reason under the sun not to work on that big project.
         You may not be aware (можешь не знать) of it, but there are actually 5 types
         of procrastinators:
         The  Perfectionist —  This  type  of  procrastinator  is  someone  who  pays  too
         much  attention  to  the  minor  details.  Sometimes  described  as  ‘analysis
         paralysis’, the perfectionist is afraid to begin a task or project because they
         worry about getting every detail right. Even if they do manage to get started,
         they often get caught up (застряли) in the details and fail to finish.

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