P. 53
The Dreamer — This type of procrastinator is someone who enjoys thinking
about ideas and plans. However, they seldom put their plans into action
(осуществляют свой план). They tend to be (склонны быть) highly creative
individuals but find it hard to actually start or finish a task.
The Avoider — This type of procrastinator is scared to take on tasks that they
think they can’t manage or complete. They choose to put off work rather than
be judged (чтобы осудили) by others if they make mistakes or fail to finish
The Crisis-Maker — This type of procrastinator deliberately (осознанно)
pushes back work until the last minute. They feel that deadlines are necessary
and they believe that they work best when being forced to rush (спешить).
The Busy Procrastinator — This type of procrastinator has trouble
prioritizing tasks because they either have too many of them or they refuse to
work on tasks they see as below them. Because they don’t know how to choose
the task that’s best for them, they end up postponing or failing to make any
Do you recognize yourself in one of the above types?
Exercise 162. Watch the video 1.20 and answer the questions.
The first guideline (рекомендация) is knowing where to draw the line
(провести черту). I’m never going to be one of those people that advocate
(агитировать) or you being totally closed off (замкнутым), all business, all
the time, super professional, don’t talk about your personal life at all. No, you
work with these people every single day. You probably want them to know a
little something about you. You probably want to know a little something about
them as well. And if you don’t – totally cool. But then you’re probably
(наверное) not watching this video in the first place. Here’s the thing (вот в
чём фишка). Ultimately (в конце концов), you are going to have to navigate
(ориентироваться) for you where the lines (где граница) are between your
professional and your personal life. You also need to learn where the lines
(границы) are for the people around you. For this, I really encourage
(воодушевить) you to keep it superficial (поверхностным/не
распространяться о личном). I encourage (воодушевить) you to run the
things that you share through a filter (фильтровать информацию о себе).
Does this make me look professional or unprofessional? Now, just for fun, let’s
have a little pop quiz (пройдём небольшой тест) so that we can tell the
difference between the two.
Now for each of these scenarios, I want you to tell me if it was professional or
unprofessional. Tally up (подсчитать) your score (результат) or leave in the
comments below.
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