P. 48


         work with. Where the second person might be so invested in their own success
         (быть зацикленным/только работать над собственным успехом) that they
         are willing to throw (что они готовы) their best friends, their mother cousin,
         their sister, whoever under the bus to get there (пойти по трупам/кинуть
         всех под автобус/поезд). You don’t want to be someone who gets caught in
         that pathway (не хочешь быть тем, кто попадётся им на пути). Now, also
         with all of the in between every workplace has its gossip (сплетни). And one
         of the ways that you become ensnared in the gossip (вас заманили/вовлекли
         в сплетни) is to be talking about yourself and things that don’t have any place
         in  a  professional  setting  (в  профессиональной/рабочей  обстановке).  I
         swear to God (клянусь Богом), I just felt the thumbs down, buttons being
         clicked right now (прям чую, как вы нажимаете «не нравится» под моим
         видео), but I think this is really important for you to hear. Because the people
         that you’re friends with at work, even though you spend all of your time, and
         maybe you have happy hours (время, когда алкоголь по сниженной цене в
         кафе)  with  them  and  you  have  your  team  events  (события,  связанные  с
         коллегами). The thing is at some point some one of you is going to move on
         (двигаться дальше). And it’s going to be exceptionally rare (и это буде
         чрезвычайно редко) for that person to stay in your life in a meaningful way
         (остаться с вами на связи/действительно поддерживать связь с вами). If
         you ever watched Fight club, you know the reference of the single serving
         friend (поймёте, что значит друг на раз). A work friend is just basically a
         single  serving  friend  who  has  multiple  servings  (которого  можно
         «использовать» многоразово). As long as you happen to go to the same office
         work at every single day. No, it doesn’t mean that that person is going to fall
         off the face of the earth (исчезнет с лица Земли) if you no longer work with
         them and never speak to you again? No, you’re probably not going to speak to
         them all the time. You’re probably not going to see them all the time. And, yes,
         there  are  exceptions  (исключения),  but  trust  me,  you  probably  know  the
         difference between the exception and the rule (правило).
         Answer the questions:
         1.  What is the video about?
         2.  Do you have a close knit atmosphere at work?
         3.  How close are you with your colleagues? Do you hang out with them after
             working hours?
         4.  Why are people at work according to the speaker?
         5.  Why do you go to work: to just get paid or to gain success?
         6.  Do  you  know  people  who  are  willing  to  throw  their  friends  or  family
             members under the bus just for the sake of achieving some goals?
         7.  Would you ever throw anyone under the bus at work so to succeed?

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