P. 44


         The implication, of course, was that the taste of these chips would keep anyone
         from putting them down.
         They were so good that the consumer should just plan on indulgence.
         This advertising slogan,  while  self-complementary  for  Lay’s,  was  also  a
         Exercise 133. Watch the video 1.15 and answer the questions.
         Answer the questions:
      1.  What is the third reason employees are willing to quit their jobs?
      2.  How else should employees perceive their boss?
      3.  What is the key in connecting with your employees?
      4.  What will employees be able to sense if you connect with them?
         Reason #3 – you don’t have a real connection (связь) with your employees.
         The  connection  that  you  have  with  your  employee  is  huge  (огромный)
         because it’s going to determine (определить) how long they’re going to stay
         with you and whether (если) they truly want to work with you. If your good
         employee simply views (видит в вас) you just as someone who gives them
         their  paycheck (зарплату) rather than someone  who they  feel empowered
         (почувствовать прилив сил) by, who they want to help and support. There’s
         a big difference there. You have to remember that you’re not just their boss.
         You’re  someone  who  they  look  up  to  (ровняются  на)  as  a  key  player
         (главный  человек)  in  their  career.  So  the  way  that  you  connect  (имеешь
         связь)  with  your  employees  determines  (определяет)  whether  they’ll  be
         happy and stay at their job with you or whether they leave your organization
         and  go  for  something  else.  What’s  the  key  to  connecting  with  your
         employees? The answer is to be present. Be present with them, have genuine
         discussions (искренние обсуждения). Learn more about your employees:
         what excites them, what they’re motivated by. Be present for them every single
         day.  When  you’re  present  with  someone  they  will  be  able  to  sense  it
         (почувствовать это), and they will be able to appreciate (ценить) it. They
         will see you as someone who does see value in them. And that will give them
         that  sense  of  empowerment  (чувство  расширения  возможностей)  and  a
         sense of wanting to stay worth with you longer under your leadership.
         Exercise 137. Translate the sentences.
      1.  Более того, этим инициативным работникам полагается отпуск два раза в
         год и выходное пособие.
      2.  Может быть, их настойчивый менеджер по продажам сможет поговорить
         о тебе с нашим бухгалтером.
      3.  Видимо, тем убедительным менеджерам продажам лучше бы делать свою
         работу лучше!

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