P. 62


      2.  Moreover, more and more …………accountants are ……….the updates on
         the tax policy on the Internet so to be always …….. for the changes in the
      3.  Give……..! There is no ………to worry, as Danny is ……..and he will not
         call …….all the time in our company!
      4.  Frankly……., these days our ………colleagues are ………during their break
         in the afternoon.
      5.  ……..said that let …….tell you that Mayson is not going to ………common
         interview questions in 10 days, as he is extremely irritated now.

         Exercise 171. Read and discuss the article.
         Business Etiquette in Japan: 17 Definitive Tips to Do Business With the
         Prepare  business  cards  in  advance:  The  way  you  present  and  introduce
         yourself  to  Japanese  potential  business  associates  plays  an  immensely
         important role for the outcome of any future potential relation.
         The message essentially (по сути) is “Not only am I interested in a mutually
         beneficial deal, but I’m also not assuming that my way is THE way”. Potential
         Japanese  business  partners  will  always  take  notice  (заметят)  of  a  non-
         Japanese who has more experience with the country, culture, and mannerism
         than others.
         Before  you  leave  for  Japan  prepare  business  cards  specifically  for  your
         trip. Meishi (or name cards) are widely used in Japan and they are exchanged
         at every meeting, with many people. Even for a 3-day business trip, you will
         probably want several dozen (дюжина) cards with you – and will likely want
         several  hundred  if  you  will  be  attending  a  trade show or  other  event.  The
         design, and the information on the card provide the very first look into your
         attention to detail and care for your business.
         When you order your cards, don’t assume that all the people you’ll meet can
         read or speak English fluently (свободно). Make sure (позаботьтесь) that the
         card is both in English and Japanese (using the card’s two faces for this purpose
         is the most common method) and if possible, have someone with a professional
         understanding of the language proofread (вычитать) your card before sending
         to print.
         Always keep your cards in perfectly mint (новом) condition without folds
         (сгибов),  scratches  (царапин),  dog  ears  (загнутые  края)  and  the  likes
         (подобное). Do not keep your cards in your pants pocket (карман) (especially
         your back pocket). It does not look professional, in Japan, to hand someone
         something you fished from a pocket too close to certain areas of your body.

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