P. 66


         Exercise 180. Watch the video 2.4 and answer the questions.
         Have you ever had to deal with (иметь дело с) a difficult boss? This can be a
         little bit hard (немножко тяжело) when you’re new to the job because what
         do  you  do?  You  could  have  a  boss  who  is  not  just  giving  you  enough
         (достаточно) direction (направление) or it could be the opposite (могло бы
         быть  противоположным/другим)  –  is  giving  you  too  much  and  it’s
         micromanaging (микроконтролирует/сильно тщательно проверяет) you.
         Any which way you look at it, dealing with a difficult boss can really suck
         (может быть отстоем). So how do you deal with it? I’m Adriana Girdler, I am
         president of CornerStone Dynamics and a productivity expert (эксперт по
         продуктивности) and in this video I’m going to share (поделиться) with you
         six tips on how to deal with a difficult boss at work. So, you have a difficult
         boss  and  you  need  to  deal  with  that  person.  I  know  how  hard  it  can  be.  I
         remember  when  I  used  to  (раньше)  work  in  organizations.  How  tough
         (тяжело) it was when you had a real difficult boss. But yet (но всё же) on the
         opposite side (с другой стороны) when you have a good one (когда у вас
         действительно хороший босс) it makes life really easy (лёгкой). But that
         difficult boss truly (действительно) can make (заставить) work, work. And
         that’s not what we want. We want to have fun. I’ve been busy with meetings
         (встречи) and I really wanna do this video because I’ve been coming across
         (имела дело с)  during the last couple of times (пары раз) with my meetings,
         with my clients, this particular (конкретная) situation. So, I’m hoping this is
         really gonna help you. So my number one tip is really important when it comes
         to dealing with a difficult boss, well, that is focus on (концентрируйтесь) your
         job.  You  know,  you  can’t  control  what  your  boss  is  doing  or  how  they’re
         behaving  (ведут  себя).  However,  you  can  always  focus  on  your  job  and
         ensure  (гарантировать)  that  you’re  doing  it  to  the  letter  (делаете  всё
         согласно инструкции). Ensure (убедитесь) that you’re finishing through
         (всё завершите), following through (выполняете всё) and being very clear
         with what your rules and responsibilities (обязанности) are. That is really
         really important because at least it ensures (гарантируйте) that you are up to
         snuff  (на  должном  уровне)  with  your  roles  and  responsibilities
         (обязанности), in essence (по существу) doing what you’re getting paid to
         Answer the questions:
         1.  What is this video mainly about?
         2.  Have you ever had to deal with a difficult boss?
         3.  Who is a difficult boss in your opinion?
         4.  Do you agree with the speaker’s advice?

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