P. 67


                5.  What would you do if you had a difficult boss?
                Exercise 181. Read and discuss the article.
                Business etiquette in the USA and American business culture.
                   The Unites States of  America has a  diverse (разнообразную) ,  multi-
                    cultural society with roots (корнями) tracing back (которые приводят)
                    to various European and other countries of origin. As a rule, Americans
                    are  friendly  and  informal.  Their  culture  is  a  comfortable  mix  of  other
                    European traditions adapted to a more modern mindset (мышление).
                   Time is an important factor in the US as the local people dislike wasting
                    (тратить в пустую) it. But otherwise (в другом случае) Americans are
                    open and flexible, their culture made evident (стала очевидной) through
                    vast media exposure (огромное освещение в медиа).
                However, here are a  few  tips to help  you  fit into an  American setting and
                familiarise  (ознакомить)  you  with  the  local  negotiation  laws  (законы),
                especially if you are visiting the country for the first time.
                How do people greet and meet in the US?
                     A handshake, smile and a positive ‘hello’ work well in all American
                     People  don’t  mind  being  addressed  (когда  к  ним  обращаются)
                     casually by their first names.
                     It’s important to give everyone equal importance, regardless of (вне
                     зависимости) seniority or gender (пола).
                What role do women play in the American business industry?
                     It’s a modern progressive society in  which stereotyping of women is
                     looked down upon (смотрят свысока).
                     Women play an active and equal role in the office and home.
                What is the right gift-giving etiquette in the US?
                Unless  (если  только)  it’s  Christmas,  an  anniversary  (годовщина)  or  a
                birthday, gift giving is a simple affair (дело) in the US;  most organizations
                have policies against receiving gifts exceeding $25 in value.
                     A  decorative  card  or  personal  note  is  an  acceptable  token  of
                     appreciation (знак внимания).
                     If invited over for a meal, chocolates, wine or a potted plant (растение
                     в горшочке) for the hostess are considered to be polite.
                  What is the correct dining etiquette in the US?
                     Americans are  highly social  and their  meals can be in the form of a
                     barbeque, a dinner at home or in a restaurant.
                     Though the settings and mood are casual, be on time, especially when
                     invited to someone’s home.

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