P. 68


              Wait for the host to direct you to your seat.
              One can use either a knife and fork (eg: to cut meat ) or just a fork (eg:
              for spaghetti or pasta) for your meal.
              You may politely refuse (отказаться) certain foods or drinks if you do
              not wish to consume (употреблять) them. It won’t offend (обидеть)
              the host.
              You may be required to take your own servings (порцию). This allows
              you to take as much as you want if you want it.
              Wait for the hostess to start or signal to eat before you begin with your
              meal, especially if you are new.
              To indicate you have finished with your meal, lay your knife and fork
              parallel along the right side of your plate. In the South, however, they
              only eat with a fork and keep it crossed mid-plate when the meal is done.
              But this is a practice limited to the Southern states.
         Though the American culture is well exposed, to grasp (осознать) the nuances
         (нюансы) of local etiquette it would be preferable to utilise (использовать)
         the negotiation  skills of  professionals,  to  assist  you  with  your  introductory
         Exercise 184. Watch the video 2.5 and answer the questions.
         Answer the questions:
      1.  Who is the author?
      2.  What time does he wake up? What time do you wake up daily?
      3.  Why does Willink wake up that early?
      4.  What kind of a habit does a former Navy seal have?
      5.  What kind of a habit can you cultivate?
         Author, former (бывший) army Navy seal («морской котик») and podcastor
         Jocko Willink gets up every morning at about 4.30 a.m. to exercise intensely
         (интенсивно) before working on his business or the most important task for
         the  day.  On  Instagram,  he  posts  black  –  and  –  white  photographs  of  his
         wristwatch  (часы  на  запястье)  displaying  (показывающие)  his  rising
         (возрастающее) time. Willink also posts black – and – white photographs of
         the “the aftermath” (после) of his workout, for example, a sweat-drenched
         (пропитанное потом) towel or a barbell. Typically, the photo captions tell his
         many thousands of followers to “Get after it”.  Willink has cultivated a habit
         of (привычку) rising early. Although getting up at 4.30 is an extreme rising
         time, you can still cultivate a habit of getting up early and working on your
         most important task for the day each day. Then, like pennies filling a jar, these
         early mornings will accumulate over time!

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