P. 73


             5.  К  сожалению,  люди  редко  ценят  высокооплачиваемую  работу,  потому
                что думают, что всегда будут получать высокую зарплату.
                Exercise 200. Watch the video 2.8 and answer the questions.
                Anyway,  I’m  having  my  teeth  whitened  (я  буду  отбеливать  зубы)  on
                Tuesday. So, you’re gonna have to get all your work done by Monday which
                means you’re probably gonna have to be here all weekend. Look. If you want
                a  promotion  you  gotta  earn.  You  know  what  do  I  keep  saying?  Life  is  a
                marathon and you cannot win a marathon without putting a few  band-aids
                (пластырь) on your nipples (соски). Right. Nick, it’s 18-year old scotch. You
                don’t really expect me to pour it back into the bottle, do you?
                Answer the questions:
             1.  What is being discussed in a video?
             2.  Is Nick’s boss’s behavior acceptable?
             3.  What would you do if you were Nick?
                 Exercise 201. Read and discuss the article.
                 Funny Work Stories that Will Make Your Day
                Attack of the Pillows. A great customer service tip this employee swears by
                (ручается) is having patience (терпение) and thick skin (толстокожесть).
                That's what she did when a customer at her store started throwing pillows at
                 It was Black Friday when the customer started yelling (кричать) about not
                having  time  to  wait  in  line  (в  очереди)  to  buy  her  pillows.  Calmly,  the
                employee stated that queues (очереди) were generally busy on Black Fridays
                but  that  she  should  be  checked  out  (её  отпустят)  within  (в  течении)  15
                minutes. This clearly didn't reassure (успокоило) the customer, because she
                started throwing pillows at the shop assistant and topped it off (и вдогонку
                крикнула)  with:  'You  can  do  your  job  now  and  put  those  away',  before
                storming out (перед тем, как вылететь из магазина).
                Exercise 202. Fill in the correct translation.
                 когда возможность представится
                 работать посменно
                 работа с 9 до 5
                 бегать по делам
                 наверстать что-то/наверстать дела
                 мириться с чем-то
                 командовать/быть главным

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