P. 74


         Exercise 204. Read and discuss the article.
         Tips to Make Running Errands Easier.
      1.   Call ahead (звони заранее): Have a prescription (рецепт от врача) to pick
         up (забрать)? Do you need a specific item (определённый предмет) from
         the grocery store (в продуктовом магазине)?  It’s always a good idea to call
         your destination (пункт назначения) first to be sure whatever you’re picking
         up (забираете) is available (доступно).  There is nothing worse than taking
         the time, and gas, to drive to your destination (пункта назначения) and not
         be  able  to  get  what  you  need.   A  simple  phone  call  to  double  check
         (перепроверить)  will  save  you  time  in  the  long  run  (в  долгосрочной
      2.  Make  a  list  ahead  of  time  (заранее):  Before  you  begin  errands,  make  a
         physical list (not a mental (мысленный) list) of everything that needs to be
         accomplished (сделано).  Once that is done, create an order in which they’ll
         be completed most efficiently (самым эффективным способом).  You don’t
         want to waste time back tracking (отслеживать в обратном порядке).
      3.  Bring  something  to  occupy  (занять)  you:  Waiting  in  line  is  annoying
         (раздражительно) and frustrating (печально) to most people.  Sometimes,
         there is nothing you can do, so why get mad?  Instead (вместо этого), play a
         game  on  your  phone,  read  a  magazine  or  newspaper,  or  call  a  friend  to
         chat.  This will make the time pass quicker.
      4.  Think of the time: Since most people work during the weekdays, they spend
         the weekend running errands.  This increase (увеличение) in traffic can make
         stores crowded (переполненным людьми), lines longer and traffic worse.  If
         you  have  energy  to  run  errands  after  work  at  night,  you  will  find  you  can
         complete them much quicker.
      5.  Bulk shopping (делать покупки оптом/большими количествами): If you
         can, purchase items like toilet paper, paper towels, pet food and other  non-
         perishables (товары, которые не портятся) in bulk – or even online!  You’ll
         have fewer errands to run, plus, buying in bulk usually is cheaper – win, win!
         Exercise 205. Watch the video 2.9 and answer the questions.
         -   He did say 10 o’clock?
         -   Yeah! Do you know what this is about?
         -   It says “stab me” (ударь меня ножом) in the memo (записка). It’s funny
             how he gets all over my ass (наезжать на мою задницу) if I’m a minute
             late but then he makes us wait fifteen.

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