P. 79


                morning  the  sun  rises,  wake  you  up  by  telling  your  pineal  gland    to  stop
                secreting (вырабатывать) melatonin and then you wake up. And these light-
                dark cycles have driven us (вели нас к) to have 24 hour circadian rhythm
                (ритму). So, if you’re trying to fall asleep when it’s light and wake up when
                it’s dark, then you don’t get the same restorative sleep (восстановительный
                сон) that your body needs to stay alive (остаться в живых). You can keep
                your circadian rhythm to a 24-hour cycle artificially (искусственно) by using
                black-out   curtains   (затемняющие   шторы),   by   using   UV
                (ультрафиолетовые) lamps. So, I think this police department is great to give
                you that option  (вариант). The problem is obviously socially that it sucks
                (ужасно) to work constant (постоянные) night shifts. The best thing would
                be to move your friends and family also to a night shift cycle (цикл). I don’t
                know if you can do that. You just usually have to ask. Hey, I think people who
                work night shifts deserve (заслуживают) serious compensation and gratitude
                (благодарность), and they should know how to approach (найти подход к)
                these  things  as  safely  as  possible.  Because  we  need  people  to  work  night.
                Doctors, cops. I mean, I know when I get up to trouble (неприятности) it’s
                always, it’s always at night. Everything is getting crazy. What are you doing at
                night that gets you in trouble? Point is, we need people to do night shifts. And
                they  deserve  a  respect  (уважение)  аnd  gratitude.  And  they  deserve  our
                recognition (признание) that this is a health risk that they are undertaking
                (берут на себя) all for, you know, people who get up to good old fun.
                Exercise 213. Put the verbs into correct tenses.
             1.  Having said that, Jonathan’s persistent daughter-in-law (to have) a 9 to 5 job
                but next month she (to look) for another high-paying job, as her current one (to
                be) so menial.
             2.  It’s a catch 22! Honestly, Lawrence cannot (to take) it anymore, as his sloppy
                fiancée always (to run) errands during her work hours!!!
             3.  Notably, today her reliable colleague (to have) lunch with her meticulous boss
                at our Mediterranean restaurant so she (can/to be able) (to run) this by him.
             4.  The thing (to be), Neil’s frustrated goddaughter (not to be) prepared for her
                interview now, as her relatives (to be) very absent-minded and Kelly (to have)
                no idea why.
             5.  For the record, Curt’s candid spouse (to turn) 31 on Tuesday, so Curt’s relatives
                (to throw) her a fantastic party.
                Exercise 218. Translate the sentences.
             1.  Да  ладно!  Первое,  что  приходит  в  голову,  я  сумею  отправить  все  эти
                письма вовремя, но сейчас это не имеет значения.

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