P. 78


         -   Whassup!
         -   Whassup!
         Exercise 211. Fill in the correct translation.
         to intend
         to interest
         to involve
         to know
         to lack
         to manage to do
         to matter
         to mean
         to need
         to notice
         to object
         Exercise 212. Watch the video 2.11 working in shifts.
         Dr. Hamblin, I’m a police officer  who  works a night shift. A lot of police
         departments have rotating (меняющиеся) schedules requiring (что требует)
         officers to change from nights to days and back to nights again. My department
         keeps us on the same shift indefinitely (неопределённое время) unless (если
         только) we ask to change. Is there any research (исследование) or medical
         opinion about working a rotating night-day schedule versus (в сравнении с)
         working a consistent (постоянной) night shift?
         Call him officer Nick. So, among people who do shift work, meaning (имеется
         в  виду)  some  day  shifts,  some  night  shifts,  they  have  increased
         (повышенные)  risks  of  cardiovascular  disease  (сердечно-сосудистые
         заболевания),  diabetes,  some  cancers  (некоторые  виды  рака),  early
         cognitive decline (спад умственных функций мозга). But a lot of employers
         think they’re doing you a favor by saying, oh, you only need to work one week
         of nights every month – in fact that might be worse for your health than doing
         it bigger blocks or even staying permanently (постоянно) on nights. If you
         keep yourself sleeping at a consistent (последовательный) period within that
         24 hour block, you should be better off (вам от этого должно стать только
         лучше)  than  if  you’re  constantly  (постоянно)  moving  yourself  around.
         Basically, it comes down to (всё сводится к) the question of why do we sleep?
         We all have circadian cycles (циркадные/суточные циклы) which are the
         result of ambient light (рассеянного света). When it gets dark outside, your
         retinal cells (клетки сетчатки) stop perceiving (воспринимать) light, your
         hypothalamus (гипоталамус) senses (чувствует) that tell your pineal gland
         (эпифиз) to release (вырабатывает) melatonin, and go to sleep. Then in the
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