P. 63
How to exchange business cards in Japan: In addition to the looks of the
card, also how to hand them plays a role. You should present them holding
them with both hands, with your information facing the person you’re giving
the card to so it’s easily readable. Pinch (зажмите) the corners of your card
between your thumbs (большими пальцами) and your index (указательным
пальцем). Absolutely avoid handing cards with one hand, or holding it
between your index and middle finger (средний палец).
As you pass your card, chances are that the other person will do the same. Here
a little game starts. Both parties will lower (опустить) their card trying to place
it underneath (под) their counterpart’s (коллеги). This action shows that
you’re humbling yourself (приводишь себя к смирению) and you consider
the other person being more important than you are. Eventually (в конце
концов), of course, you will exchange cards. Hold yours with your left hand
as you take the other card with your right hand, always pinching it between
thumb and index finger.
It’s polite to read the card once you collect it and to store it in a case or
something similar. Avoid putting it in your wallet or in any place that might
damage (повредить) it, or that might give the idea that you don’t care about
it. This is only one of the several ritualistic behaviors that are very common
when meeting a person for the first time for business.
Exercise 172. Answer the questions.
1. Do rookies deserve perks once they start working in a company?
2. What are you mostly concerned about at work?
3. What do you lack on working days?
4. What do you prefer doing during your lunch break?
5. What do you refuse to do at work?
Exercise 173. Watch the video 2.2 and answer the questions.
Number 2. Hating your advice. Whenever (в какое бы время) you give
someone your advice does their mood suddenly (внезапно) worsen
(ухудшается)? Do they get mad at (злятся) you for trying to help? This is
actually a common sign of jealousy (зависти) among friends. I say among
friends because in most situations offering advice isn’t the best idea. People
don’t like it when a stranger randomly (случайно) weighs in on
(вмешивается в) their lives. And I don’t blame them. They don’t know you
and you don’t know them. You’re just asserting yourself (заявляете о себе)
where you don’t belong (вам не место). Even if you’re tying to help
unwanted (нежелательный) advice can feel patronizing (может
показаться, что вы опекаете человека/снисходительно относитесь). But
when you’re giving advice to a friend you know what you’re talking about.
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