P. 64
You know who they are and where they come from. You have perspective on
(есть свой взгляд на их жизнь/своё мнение) their life. And they know you
want the best for them. So your opinion (мнение) shоuld matter (должно
иметь значение). Normally friends value (ценят) or at least consider (или
хотя бы принимают во внимание) each other’s advice but when they get
angry or bitter (становятся злыми или озлоблёнными), it may mean
they’re harboring a bit of jealousy (в них живёт ревность/зависть). Maybe
they envy (завидуют) something you have. They might think you’ve left them
behind somehow. Without realizing it (не осознавая это) your advice is just
reminding (напоминает) them of how they failed (потерпели неудачу).
They feel like you’re rubbing it in their face (тычешь им это в лицо) which
gets them riled up (раздражает их). If this sounds familiar (звучит знакомо)
don’t worry. You’re not the problem. Their insecurities (неуверенность в
себе) are twisting (перекручивает) your words. You could say anything and
they would still feel like you are criticizing their life.
Answer the questions:
1. What is this video mainly about?
2. Have your friends ever reacted the way described in the video?
3. Do any of your friends envy you? If so, why?
4. Do you give advice to your friends?
5. If anyone who is not your friend or family member gave you advice what
would you say or do? Would you be cross with that person?
Exercise 174. Put the verbs into the correct column.
To adore, to care about, to have, to fit, to owe, to intend, to concern, to consent,
to displease, to smell, to be, to appreciate, to astonish, to hate, to appear, to
enjoy, to lack.
Verbs that change their meaning when being used in Present Continuous:
State verbs write down these verbs and their translation in each tense
Meaning in Present Simple Meaning in Present Continuous
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