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best way to spend your time wisely (тратить время с умом) and divide
(разделять) the working day so you can achieve (достичь) what you want?
And how do other successful people (успешные люди) spend their 168 hours
every week?
Exercise 176. Read and translate the sentences, explain the usage of the
1. For the record, Karen’s frugal spouse is going to put up with the fact that her
determined boss is not eager to run his personal errands in the afternoon.
2. Moreover, more and more inexperienced accountants are searching for CVs so
to be able to find new employees.
3. Give them a break! There is no need to worry, as Matthew is on it and he will
make everyone text us in case of the emergency!
4. Frankly speaking, this month our absent-minded colleagues are running
errands during their working hours.
5. Having said that let me remind you that Phillip is not going to research common
interview questions in 3 days, as he is extremely irritated now.
Exercise 177. Read and discuss the article.
Funny Work Stories that Will Make Your Day.
'I Love You. No, I Don't Love You' For this anonymous (анонимный) and
ashamed (пристыжённый) employee, a well-regretted phone call (звонок,
о котором очень сожалели) left her humiliated (заставил её быть
униженной) at work for life. After a professional telephone call with her boss,
she ended the conversation (разговор) with 'Alright, I love you, see you later!'.
This is what she'd usually say to her family at the end of a call, but it certainly
(конечно) wasn't meant for (не предназначалось) her boss!
To save herself from the embarrassing situation (постыдной ситуации), she
panicked and said: 'Oh my God! I didn't mean that. I absolutely (точно) don't
love you... No, I mean, I like working for you, but I know you're married, and
I'm married, and I'm not flirting, so please don't report me to HR for
harassment (домогательство)...' In the midst (посредине) of the madness
(сумасшедствия), her boss hung up (повесил трубку). Of course he did
(естественно, что он это сделал).
Answer the questions:
1. What is this story about?
2. Have you ever ended a phone call by blurting out something
3. What would you do if you were that employee?
4. What would you do if you were her boss?
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