Page 245 - Вишневская Виктория Юрьевна ©
P. 245
Answer the questions:
1. Why do billionaires eliminate certain menial decisions out of their lives?
2. What other wealthy people do you know who have similar habits?
3. What does Marc Zukerberg likes wearing?
4. What does Michael Kors prefers wearing?
5. What did Steve Jobs wear?
6. What do you wear to work? Do you like the style of clothes chosen by
the aforementioned billioners?
Exercise 406. Read and discuss the article.
Actually Effective Ways to Get Your Voice Heard in Meetings
1. Interrupted? Interrupt Back: Soraya Chemaly in the Huffington
Post wrote that there are 10 words every girl and woman should learn:
“Stop interrupting me.”
“I just said that.”
“No explanation (объяснение) needed.”
But for a meeting involving your boss, “Stop interrupting me” is probably a bit
harsh (сурово). You need to have some meeting-appropriate alternatives at
the ready so you can get back to (вернуться) what you were saying before the
interrupter runs away with the conversation (разговор) (and possibly takes
credit for (заберёт все лавры) your idea).
I’m a fan of the joking-not-joking approach (подход). For instance, “Hang
on (погоди-ка), I’ve still got the floor (у меня есть время высказаться).” Or
even, “Do we need to use parliamentary procedure?! Hold the phone, buddy!”
Also, get in the habit of confidently (уверенно) turning attention back to other
people who get interrupted. As in, “Hang on, Sameera wasn’t finished.
If you do this consistently (постоянно) for everyone, then even when you do
it for yourself you’ll come across (сталкиваетесь) as someone with a good
attention span (с хорошей концентрацией внимания) and an appetite for
order, rather than as someone seeking (ищущих) attention for herself.
And, of course, some of the people you lend a hand to will, hopefully, do the
same for you.
2. Create a “Teaser” (броское рекланое объявление) via Email: If the
meeting’s agenda (повестка дня) is set in stone (высечено на камне) (or a
Google doc), and the person running the meeting doesn’t seem to care that you
exist, pump up (прокачайте) your contribution (вклад) the way you’d
promote an indie film you’re hoping becomes the new sleeper hit (настоящим
хитом) — with a teaser.
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