Page 244 - Вишневская Виктория Юрьевна ©
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and thousands of distractions which, if you let them, will stop you from
……..your hopes and dreams into a reality. Take a moment to ………
many small decisions you make every ………day. You decide when to get out
of bed, what to eat for…………., when to get out of the shower, how to style
your hair and what ………to listen to in the car. My point is that by simply
………..according to a dynamic lifestyle you’re cluttering your brain with all
kinds of …………..that ultimately have zero effect on your future. Will your
hairstyle ever change your annual…………? Will the music you listen to in
the car ever helped you to …………that novel you’ve been ………..about?
No, of course not. So why do 99% of people waste considerable ………..of
their day thinking about them? The truth is that ………know better and do
Take these three ……….of industry: Mark Zukerberg, Michael Kors, and
Steve Jobs. Each day these …………are expected to guide multi-billion dollar
companies, push the boundaries of style and culture or reinvent the
…………..that guide the lives of millions. Every decision they make will
ripple ………..the entire world. So, when so much is on the line why waste
your time worrying about…….., insignificant questions like “What type of
shampoo should I use?” or “What color of the ……….should I buy?”. The
answer – don’t. if you’ve ever seen pictures of these three guys you might have
noticed one thing they all………….– every one of them wears the exact same
………to work every single day.
Marc Zukerberg who is worth over 70 billion and operates the ……
media network in ……….has worn the same hoodie, T-shirt and pants for
years. Michael Kors has done the same with a ………and a blazer while Steve
Jobs wore ……..a turtleneck and jeans. Why did they do all this? Because it
……..a meaningless decision from their lives. These ………..figures realized
that they were ………..valuable time and ………….on something that
wouldn’t earn them success. So, they found clothes that were comfortable and
wore them over and ………….to ensure that they would hardly ever have to
even think about how they looked. Cutting out decisions like this especially
ones related to physical appearance can actually provide a ………
confidence by ignoring an ………….that plagues far too many people. Instead
of worrying about being ……………or looking confident, these billionaires
let their actions speak, and you can do the same. Instead of flooding your days
with ………….decisions and trivial choices, find answers that are comfortable
and stick to them every ………day. Not only will this free up your mind to
ponder more important ………..but you’ll find that the lack of choices will
actually ………..your productivity by lessening the chances that you might get
accidentally ………….by something insignificant.
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