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P. 270
7. По моему мнению, ленивые сотрудники Коллина не привыкли отличать
сильные стороны новичков от их слабых сторон на интервью.
8. Между прочим, решительный тесть Винса не привык мириться с тем, что
сердит его.
9. Хочу заметить, скучающий зять Мэрилин постоянно сомневается, когда
ему нужно уволить много сотрудников по сокращению штатов, потому
что он не привык командовать.
10. Дело в том, что заботливая невестка Квентина, бывало, завидовала своей
начальнице, у которой было (to have – had- had) много достижений.
Exercise 439. Watch the video 3.27 and answer the questions.
1. I think the first is depending on how well you wanna do and particularly
(особенно) if you’re starting a company, you need to work super-hard. So
what does super-hard mean? Well, when my brother and I was staring our first
company, instead of getting an apartment we just rented a small office and we
slept on the couch. And we showered at the YMCA, and we had just one
computer. So, the website was up during the day, and I was coding at night,
seven days a week, all the time. Work hard, like every day waking hour. That’s
the thing I would say, particularly, if you’re starting a company. And, I mean
if you do the simple math, say like, okay if somebody else is working 50 hours
and you’re working a hundred, you’ll get twice as much done in the course of
a year as the other company.
2. How to create a company the right product. I think two, is you gotta make
sure that whatever you’re doing is a great product or service. And it has to be
really great. I go back to what I was saying earlier where if you’re a new
company, I mean unless (если только) it’s like some new industry or new
market, if it’s an untapped market (неосвоенный рынок) then you have more
ability to…the standard is lower for your product or service. But if you’re
entering anything where there’s an existing (существующее) marketplace
against large entrenched competitors (постоянные конкуренты), then your
product or service needs to be much better than theirs. It can’t be a little better,
because then you put yourself in the shoes of the consumer (поставь себя
на место клиента) and they say why would you buy it as a consumer? You’re
always gonna buy the trusted brand (бренд, которому доверяют) unless
there’s a big difference. So a lot of times entrepreneur will come up with
(придумает) something which is only slightly better. And it can’t be slightly
better (немного лучше). It’s gotta be a lot better.
3. Hire great people. The other thing I’d say is that if you’re creating
company or if you’re joining (присоединиться) a company, the most
important thing is to attract (привлекать) great people. So either (либо) join
a group that’s amazing that you really respect, or if you’re building a
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