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P. 272
1. By a way, on last spring Gerald a spoiled godmother would sometimes to claim
that she used to being an extremely goal-oriented when on reality she used to
being a rather lazy.
2. Of top off mine head, Hunter a persistent neighbor would to puzzle his
employers, as he were not used to be stickler for due dates.
3. Apparent, Mandy an industrious employer are get used to keep project within
planned timeline, as on last autumn he used to missing many deadlines.
4. It are no-brainer that Karter a meticulous godparents is getting used follow
theirs a boss’ lead, as he are an extremely dedicated and never does not take no
for answer.
5. Notably, Kimberly a candid daughter used to being eager to taking in projects
that was obviously out of hers league on 2018; however, now she not going to
do such, as she exhausted.
Exercise 442. Read and discuss the article.
3 Tips to Figure Out What You’re Good At
Do you have the desire to contribute in a meaningful way to something
greater than yourself?
Whether we know it or not — we all have a lot to give. You might find yourself
confused, however, because you don’t exactly what that is or what it looks like.
You may look around at other people and feel like they all have at least one or
two things they’re super good at, but you, you're just kinda sorta good at a lot
of things (or nothing)!!
Jack-of-all-trades master-of-none ring a bell?? Guess what? Lots of people feel
this way. It isn’t just you.
In fact, there might be other people looking at you and thinking you have this
clear gift to give to the world, and they wish they had that. Sometimes, it’s hard
to see these things in ourselves. Our natural abilities/talents/gifts come so
naturally to us that we often don’t even notice them! We tend to assume that
our gifts come just as naturally to everyone else, therefore, they aren’t special
or unique, nor are they particularly useful.
But that assumption isn’t accurate because we all have multiple gifts and
something to offer the world — it’s just a matter of getting clear on what those
things are so that we feel confident in sharing what we have to offer.
In order to figure out what you’re really good at (because it isn’t blatantly
obvious), it’s often necessary to get a little feedback. Simple. Here are some
tips on ways to go about getting that feedback:
Tip #1: Pay attention
It’s so obvious, but it works. Commit even just one full day to paying attention
to what you’re good at, and you’ll have a much clearer idea of where you truly
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