Page 81 - Вишневская Виктория Юрьевна ©
P. 81
an accountant
an IT - specialist
three….ten times
once (twice/20 times) a day (month/year/hour)
once (twice/30 times) in 2….10 days (months/years/hours)
Exercise 154. Watch the video 1.19 and answer the questions.
Answer the questions:
1. What is the fourth reason the employees quit their jobs?
2. What is not inspiring to anyone?
3. What should a manager focus on?
4. What is going to make employees feel more committed?
5. What can make employees last longer with your company?
Reason #4 why your good employees are leaving you. And that is you as the
manager are not inspiring enough (недостаточно вдохновляете). How good
you are at truly (действительно) motivating your employees or do you find
yourself turning your employees against each other (настраиваете
работников один против другого) thinking that that’s going to motivate
them. That’s not inspiring to anyone. In order to (для того, чтобы) become
someone and a manager, a leader that others aspire to be (стремятся быть),
you have to find that sense of inspiration from within yourself (чувство
вдохновения внутри себя). You have to inspire yourself to step outside of
your ego (чтобы выйти за пределы своего эго). So instead of (вместо того,
чтобы) focusing on you, you need to place your focus (сфокусироваться на)
on your employees and be able to identify and recognize their value
(распознать ценность, которые они имеют/несут для компании). Think
about it. Everybody wants to be able to feel that they are valued. That they are
making a bigger impact for any cause or organization or team that they are on.
So if you can tell your employees that they are valued (их ценят), that the
work that they’re doing does have an impact (влияет). It’s going to make
them feel more committed and more engaged (будут больше чувствовать
приверженность делу/компании и будут больше вовлечены) with the work
that they’re doing and with the place they’re at. If you can help them to feel
connected to the work (почувствовать связь с работой) that they do and
why they’re there in the impact they’re making, they are much more likely to
last longer in your company.
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