Page 21 - DWN Regional Leader Handbook_Print (1)
P. 21
About Us
We have all found ourselves in the situation where
we are asked what Dairy Women’s Network is about
and what your role is in the network. So, when you
find yourself stuck in an elevator with someone or
sitting next to someone on a plane, below is the
collected responses of what some past Regional
Leaders think may help answer these questions.
Who is Dairy Women’s Network and
what do we do?
Dairy Women’s Network is a not for profit
organisation established to support and recognise
all the amazing women that are in the dairy
industry. Dairy women throughout New Zealand
play a number of roles on farm, including doing the
accounts right through to running the farm. The
Network is all about supporting and empowering
these women in the business of dairying.
The Dairy Women’s Network role is in connecting,
inspiring and educating our members in relevant
topics in an ever-changing industry. We run
workshops – from lameness through to making
sure you are ticking the box when paying your staff
correctly and everything in between. We organise
social catch ups with our members – a chance to
get off farm and catch up with like minded people.
Events are inclusive, welcoming farmers from other
parts of the primary sector, as well as industry
representatives. Men are invited and welcome at