Page 22 - DWN Regional Leader Handbook_Print (1)
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About Us

           1      Dairy Women’s Network events.

                  The network also offers women support and
                  inspiration to achieve shared purpose whether
                  that’s for them personally or within their profession.
                  We also aim to give women amazing opportunities
                  to be heard in a male dominated industry by
                  having seats at industry tables and acknowledge
                  outstanding women in the industry with the likes of
                  our Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year award.

                  What Regional Leaders do
                  The Dairy Women’s Network role is connecting,
                  inspiring and educating women to embark on their
                  own leadership journey through being a Volunteer
                  Regional Leader. We provide a safe place for women
                  to learn, network and grow knowledge and skills in
                  a very diverse industry. This role is done by amazing
                  women who farm or are industry professionals in
                  each region.

                  As volunteers these Regional Leaders connect
                  with commercial and industry partners to bring
                  relevant events to the different areas. They deliver a
                  mixture of more formal workshops and also develop
                  regional and social events aimed to inspire, educate
                  and connect. Their role is around bringing what is
                  real and relevant to rural communities.

                  Regional Leaders gain from connecting with others,
                  bouncing ideas off one another, sharing on-farm
                  problems while getting off farm, as well as gaining

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