P. 17
D i S o s o k H A V E N
I t u A d a By: Elfiana Dewi P.
D u n i a
With the blessing of my mother
Karya: Amma Alfiana A. Feel a little bit smothered
Let us start this odyssey
Lihatlah anak muda di sana! Full of outlandish policy
Terpampang masa depan di sosoknya.
Beyond this gate, uncharted territory
Lihatlah generasi emas di sana!
Terpampang semangat di sosoknya. Such a pilgrim would not wander,
But seeing all the hellos and the story
Let me get out of my chamber
Di lingkungan ini,
Mereka berbeda-beda. Quite often are rainbows and butterflies
Mereka menimba ilmu bersama, A sprinkle of rain here, a bite of mosquito there
Tanpa memandang perbedaan yang ada. I’ll cherish it all, the laughter and the cries
I’ll save it all, enjoying my pear
Senyum terpasang di wajah mereka, When I want to cut my nails close to my skin,
Mereka bercanda bersama, Close my eyes and remember still,
Mereka belajar bersama, How all the crying, laughing, rolling have been
Di lingkungan ini, yaitu sekolah. To hope, the longing and all the thrill
Sekolahku kang edi lan endah
Hawa seger isih bisa rinasa ing saben dina
Wit-witan katon ijo maneka warna
Menehi tandha yen sekolahku duwe wibawa
Sekolahku kang resik lan ora gawe serik
Sakabehe barang tansah tinata kanthi becik
Yen sinawang tansah gawe sengsem
Sekolahku katom ayem
Sekolahku sekolah adiwiyata Dening: Sudiyo
Tinggalane bapa ibu sing wis purna
Sanajan ta uwis jaman semana
Ayo tetep dijaga
Pangesthi 17