Page 25 - Trip to Ireland Final Flip Book
P. 25

We get to the fort – at

               least the place where it is

               a 20 minute climb to the

               actual fort and the man

               and woman who are in

               the bus with me get out.

                                                                                The driver takes me

                                                                                back down to the dock

                                                                                area and I enjoy the

                                                                                ride from the front

                                                                                seat since I can see

                                                                                much better than I

               could from the low windows in the back.  I ask what I owed him

               and he shrugs so I gave him $10 U.S. and he seems very happy
               so that was probably way too much.

                                                                   M took some photos of Dún

                                                                   Aonghasa Primative Fort.  I

                                                                   would have gone to the fort

                                                                   but the hill was steep and the
                                                                   rocks that made up the

                                                                   pathway were wet and moss
                                                                   covered.  They looked slippery

                                                                   and again, I didn’t want to risk

                                                                   a fall and hurting my back.

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