Page 22 - NWF November Updates
P. 22
Workplace Violence Policy
NWF Prohibits and Will Not Tolerate Workplace Violence
NWF prohibits and will not tolerate any form of workplace violence by an employee,
supervisor or third party, including vendors, affiliates, customers, clients, volunteers and
visitors both at the workplace and at work related events.
Prohibited Conduct
For purposes of this policy, workplace violence includes:
• Making threatening remarks (written or verbal).
• Aggressive or hostile acts such as shouting, using profanity, throwing objects at another
person, pushing, shoving, fighting or intentionally damaging a co-worker's property.
• Bullying, intimidating or harassing another person (for example, making obscene phone
calls or using threatening body language or gestures such as standing close to someone
or shaking your fist at them).
• Behavior that causes another person emotional distress or creates a reasonable fear of
injury, such as stalking.
• Assault.
This list is illustrative only and not exhaustive. No form of workplace violence will be
To ensure that NWF maintains a workplace safe and free of violence for all employees, the
company prohibits the possession or use of dangerous weapons on company property, except
as permitted by state law.
All NWF workers are subject to this provision, including contract workers and temporary
employees as well as visitors and customers on company property. A license to carry the
weapon on company property does not supersede company policy. Any employee in violation
of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
“Company property” is defined as all company-owned or leased buildings and surrounding
areas such as sidewalks, walkways, driveways and parking lots under the company’s ownership
or control. This policy applies to all company-owned or leased vehicles and all vehicles that
come onto company property.
“Dangerous weapons” include firearms, explosives, knives and other weapons that might be
considered dangerous or that could cause harm. Employees are responsible for making sure
that any item possessed by the employee is not prohibited by this policy.
Under some state law, however, employees who have valid handgun-carry permits are allowed
to bring a firearm and ammunition onto the National Wildlife Federation’s parking lot,
provided that the firearm and ammunition are kept in the employee’s vehicle in accordance to
state law.