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Starters | Soups | Main Meals | Desserts | Cakes |Biscuits, etc
                           Salmon Mousse ~ Pat Foster


            ½ oz powdered gelatin
            3 tablespoons Water
            7½ oz can Wild Red Salmon (dark skin removed)
            ¼ pint whipping cream or double cream
            ¼ pint mayonnaise (Hellmann’s is good)
            1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
            salt and pepper to taste

           à     if using individual molds, grease these very lightly with a
                 tasteless vegetable oil,  eg Sunflower oil. Put a circle of non
                 stick baking parchment in the bottom of each one.

           à     lightly whip the cream to increase its bulk but not to stiffen it.
                 (I fill the empty cream carton with mayonnaise as an easy
                 way of measuring it). Mash the salmon with the mayonnaise
                 and then fold in the cream, season with a little salt and
           à     shake the gelatin powder thinly over the mixed water and
                 lemon juice. Put this over a pan of simmering water. (I can
                 get  a very low heat on my induction hob so I use a pan and
                 don’t bother with simmering water).
           à     as soon as the gelatin  has dissolved and no individual
                 grains are visible, mix it quickly but thoroughly into the
                 salmon mixture. Spoon immediately into the container/s and
                 cool to set. Keep in a fridge or freeze. This quantity will make
                 six to eight portions
           à     you can use clean, bowl shaped, plastic yoghurt pots. Run a
                 knife round the sides and then, a light squeeze will unmold
                 them neatly.

           à     if they have been frozen, defrost before turning them out

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