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Starters | Soups | Main Meals | Desserts | Cakes |Biscuits, etc
                    Cheats Salmon Mousse ~ Julia Gadenne

           (Barbara Gadenne’s dinner party starter)

           220 gm salmon (tinned undrained)
           1 onion (white not too big)
           1/4 cup mayonnaise
           1/2 cup cream
           2 teaspoons lemon juice
           salt and pepper
           ½ cup hot water
           1 Knorr chicken stock cube
           tablespoon (or one sachet) powdered gelatine or substitute with
           leaf and follow instruction on pack


           à     dissolve stock cube in water
           à     add gelatine, stir until dissolved
           à     mix with rest of ingredients in a blender, blend for one minute
           à     lastly, add cream and blend for 30 seconds
           à     pop into ramekins, top with a little olive oil drizzle and a piece
                 of cucumber or lemon rind, or whatever you fancy

           Nice served with Melba Toast and butter!

           MELBA TOAST
           à     toast slices of white bread
           à     take off crusts
           à     slice THROUGH  the middle grill toast the untoasted
                 side - keep watch they don’t burn and they’ll probably curl up
                 a bit!
           à     put in airtight tin when cool

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