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Potato and Watercress Soup ~ Pat Foster

        1 lb Potatoes
        1 medium onion
        2 bunches of watercress
        11/2 oz butter
        1 pint milk
        ½ pint of water
        1 or 2 egg yolks
        5 tablespoons of single cream

        à     slice potatoes and onion finely
        à     wash watercress and shred it finely including stalks but
              excluding fine hairs
        à     melt the butter in a large pan and add the vegetables          Starters | Soups | Main Meals | Desserts | Cakes |Biscuits, etc
        à     stew very gently for 10 minutes, using greaseproof paper
              under a tightly fitting pan lid
        à     if freezing add ½ pint hot milk and 1/4 pint hot water. If not
              freezing, add all the water and milk. In either case, simmer
              for 20 minutes until the potatoes are very soft. Watch to see
              if extra fluid is needed if following the recipe for freezing
        à     liquidise to make a puree. For freezing, cool this as quickly
              as possible and freeze defrost several hours before needed
        à     add the remaining hot liquid
        à     bring it to the boil and allow it to cool while mixing the egg
              yolk/s with the cream
        à     add 2 - 3 tablespoonsful of hot soup to the egg mixture then
              add the mixture to the hot, not boiling soup in a thin stream
              stirring all the while.  Heat gently and stir until the soup

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