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Melba Toast ~ Pat Foster

        Use cheap supermarket white bread which is medium sliced or thin
        sliced if available.  This cheap, steam baked, bread has an
        enhanced gluten content I am told.  Anyway, it is best for this
        à     toast the slices very lightly (hardly coloured) in a toaster, cut
              off the crusts. With your hand flat on top of the slice cut very
              carefully through the centre of the slice. (An electric carving
              knife is especially good for this)

        à     then cut from corner to corner to make triangles
        à     spread these, cut surface up, in a single layer on a baking
        à     bake at gas reg 3, 325 f, 160 c or 140 c in a fan oven until
              pale gold in colour. You need to keep checking.  It tastes
              horrible if it is dark gold!
        à     the toast keeps well for several weeks in airtight containers.   Starters | Soups | Main Meals | Desserts | Cakes |Biscuits, etc

                       “Are you the salmon Madam?”
                   “No, I’m a hungry soul with an empty
                    place, waiting for someone to fill it”.

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