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We have recently celebrated our 319th Anniversary, so what does
it take to keep a church, such as ours, functioning after three
Hard work, commitment and dedication are the first words that
come into my mind. Unsung heroes who put in hours of work in the
background keeping the wheels turning.
After about 18 years of hard work Chris Pullen is standing
aside from her role as Pulpit Supply Secretary.
Chris has ensured that we have had a preacher to guide us and
teach us each week. Very often the talents of some of our own
members and friends fill the role; other times retired ministers from
a variety of denominations lead our worship.
So, thank you Chris for all your hard work and dedication over
these many years. Chris has planned about six to 12 months in
advance, to ensure a diverse selection of worship styles.
We also thank all those on the Worship Planning Group, as well as
Nora, Pat and Lex who have now decided to stand down.
A word about your Elders. They are the current incumbents of a
long line of Elders, previously known as Deacons, stretching right
back to our founding fathers. In recent years the role of Elders has
grown exponentially as increased responsibility has been heaped
upon them - safeguarding - health and safety - security - building
compliance with government legal requirements - and so the list
goes on.
Let me know if you would like to read about what responsibilities
your Elders need to deal with and it could be the subject of a future
Link article.