Page 27 - BiTS_02_FEBRUARY_2025
P. 27
BiTS: And did that inspire you to start learning to play the guitar?
BM: Well, yeah, that was all kind of happening simultaneously after my uncle had
given me my Gibson Hummingbird when I was about 11. So I was really kind of just
soaking up as much as I could. Being a girl from Plymouth, didn't have too many
options. So, I was just sort of
grabbing whatever I could get
my hands on, which was my
mother's album collection, my
father's album collection, and
my uncle’s. So luckily, they had
good taste in music.
BiTS: Okay. Did I hear you
right? You were born in
BM: That’s right, yes.
BiTS: Well, you're very local to
my Blues in the South ground
BM: Oh, fantastic. Yeah, actually, going down there on Sunday to catch up with the
BiTS: Oh, really. Good for you. You'll find that the weather is lovely at the moment.
BM: I'm on the Isle of Wight at the moment.
BiTS: Yes, so I gather. Tell me about the American tour that you’ve just been on.
BM: Well, we got back there on the 1st of November, so it was a six-week tour, but
the first week was a stationary week. It was a retreat week in a little town called
New Harmony, which is going to be an annual thing for us now. But yeah, it's a retreat
and a Blues Festival in this fantastic town with the incredible name, New Harmony,
and a very sort of hippy sort of style, free form kind of people. And it’s a wonderful
place to do it.
BiTS: Where is New Harmony.
BM: It's actually in Indiana.
BiTS: Oh, okay.
BM: Yeah. So we flew into Chicago and straight after that we started the tour, which
took us up to Wisconsin and then all the way down to Florida with everything in
between. So that was like Nashville, Memphis and Cape Girardeau, which is sort of
St Louis and the Ozarks. So we had a really good run [chuckles].