Page 28 - BiTS_02_FEBRUARY_2025
P. 28

BiTS:  Did you do any live recordings or anything like that?

    BM:  What you mean shows?

    BiTS:  Yes, yes.

    BM:  No, we didn't actually do any live show recording on this particular tour, but
    basically, we travelled about 3000 miles. Then we ended up, myself and my partner,
    Jonathon, who's the chef, we do a Blues and Stews thing as well. So we went to New

    Orleans straight after the tour and then ended up in LA, doing a big Christmas party
    with Sue Wong, who’s a fashion designer.

    BiTS:  Oh, absolutely wonderful. That sounds absolutely terrific. How did all this get
    fixed up?

    BM:  Well, I was invited to perform at her gala just before the lockdown, and we've

    been friends ever since. I was the voice of Janis, with Big Brother and the Holding
    Company  when  they  came  to  the  UK  on  tour.  So  a  lot  of  the  American  sort  of
    promoters and stuff invited me to perform on my tours out here, and her PR woman
    actually invited me to meet her, and she invited me to play at one of her Oscar galas.

    And then since then, we've been buddies and she kind of invites me to all of her big
    parties [chuckles]. So we ended up playing at her party and Jonathon did the food,

    which was incredible. And then we went on to play at Kelsey Grammer’s New Year's
    Eve Party, which was amazing as well.

    BiTS:  Absolutely fabulous. Your latest album, I take it it’s your latest one, is “Fortuna”.

    Do you have another one since then?
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