Page 33 - BiTS_02_FEBRUARY_2025
P. 33

BiTS:    [Laughs]  What  a  lovely  expression.  Yes,  absolutely  terrific.    And  one  more
    question. You're doing pretty well for yourself at the moment, but where do you want

    to be, say, in four or five years’ time?

    BM:  Well, I mean, I'm growing organically, and I always have in my head, as long as
    I'm moving, inching forward, it's all good. I'm enjoying the journey; that’s the number

    one rule for me. I'm happy. I'm balanced and I'm pretty much where I want to be, but
    I’ve just got a lot more of the world to see and a lot more shows to do, and a lot more
    music to write [laughs].

    BiTS:  That’s absolutely fabulous and we want a new album, all of us out here want a
    new album.

    BM:  All right, well, you got it. It's on the way, don’t worry.

    BiTS:  Okay, well, I won't take any more of your time. Thanks for talking to me.

    BM:  Actually, you know what? It's funny because I'm just about to meet the great,
    great grandson of Charles Dickens in the pub.

    BiTS:  Oh, really?

    BM:  Yeah, it's quite bizarre. So it's an inspiration for writing.

    BiTS:  Oh well, fancy that! Thanks again for talking to me.

    BM:  All right. No problem, Ian.

    BiTS:  Have a good day.

    BM:  Thank you. Take care now.

    BiTS:  Bye.

    BM:  Bye-Bye.
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