Page 32 - BiTS_02_FEBRUARY_2025
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porch sessions, to the big show at the end of the week, so you know everybody's

    involved. We go out on a boat trip. Everybody comes and everybody buys their ticket,
    and we take the guitars on board and sit around in the sunshine and jump in and out
    the sea, enjoying ourselves really, while writing.

    BiTS:  That's absolutely terrific. And I see on the gig list, if you can call it a gig, you've
    got New Zealand lined up in 2026.

    BM:  That's right. Yes. Yeah, well, actually, we had that lined up just as the lockdown

    came into effect, and it was literally touch and go whether if we flew, we would have
    arrived the day that New Zealand had closed its doors, so I’m thankful that we actually
    cancelled it. But yeah, it's always been on the back burner and I'm working with a

    lady now who's going to sort of co-manage the whole thing and organise who’s from

       Bex Marshall - Little Wing/Purple Haze [2009]

    New Zealand, and she's organising it from there. So hopefully by the time we get
    there, it'll be well under way and a really nice comprehensive tour.

    BiTS:  As you well know, there's some absolutely fabulous music that comes out of

    Australia, blues music I mean, that comes out of Australia and New Zealand.

    BM:  Oh, absolutely, yes. Yes, definitely. Well, I did an Australian tour, I think it was

    2019, for three months. Oh, God, that went on and on. It was fantastic. I just didn't
    want it to end. So we will be sort of touching Australia as well at that time. But yeah,
    well, small world, big playground, that's what I say.
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