Page 29 - BiTS_02_FEBRUARY_2025
P. 29

BM:  No, no, that's the latest one that was released last year.

     BiTS:  Have you got any plans to go into the studio?

     BM:  Yeah, definitely. I've got a couple of projects in the sort of early stages of thinking
     about them and it means me returning to the US, and spending some time, which is
     great. But also, I'm kind of going through all my sort of songs and writing more things.
     This sort of period, I'm actually going out to Cyprus in about ten days for another

     intense writing retreat.

                                                                  BiTS:  You've got Wemsfest coming up,
                                                                  I think at the end of January.

                                                                  BM:  Yes, that's true. On Friday.

                                                                  BiTS:  That's also, of course, with the

                                                                  Blues in the South area. How did you
                                                                  get that date?

                                                                  BM:    I  was  on  the  BBC  Radio  with

                                                                  Cerys Matthews and Mark called me
                                                                  up and said would you like to do the
                                                                  Wemsfest?  So,  yeah,  it  pretty  much

                                                                  happened quite easily [chuckles].

                                                                  BiTS:  I've been looking at all the gigs
                                                                  that  you've  got  coming  up  over  the

                                                                  next  year  or  so,  and  my  goodness,
                                                                  you've got a lot of work to do.

     BM:  Yes, that's right. Well, I mean it's nice and spread out and I'm not sort of killing

     myself by doing it. Sticking into a few new markets, which is good, Italy and Germany,
     and so I'm kind of focusing on getting back into Europe really, but as well as the US
     because I've just got my work visa in from that. So yeah, I'm going to be busy. But

     it's all good stuff, and I'm not killing myself [laughs]. I say that, though, we've just
     got back to Heathrow. Actually, we ended up in Maui after the New Year's parties for
     a week and we flew back, avoiding the fires.

     BiTS:  Oh yes, of course, yes.

     BM:  But we hit Heathrow like two days ago and we drove straight to the Isle of
     Wight. I didn't even go home.

     BiTS:  What’s been on at the Isle of Wight then? What is it you're doing there?

     BM:  Well, I've got a couple of shows down here and just some meetings for the Blues
     and Stews. We're going to do a little festival here, a little mini festival in the summer.

     And other little things that are kind of happening here because it's a really great
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