Page 24 - PPO Diaries
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PPO Diaries
❖ A brief overview of the project
A new program was launched in Dec’18 to address
vendor selection addition called Dropship, the pace of
selection addition was sluggish even after 3 months of
launch. I identified 2 major root causes for the below
par performance: a) Delay in vendor onboarding and
high dropouts, and b) Slow pace in selection addition.
The project aimed to impact around the above 2
mentioned challenges.
Project was divided into 2 parts to solve above mentioned
challenges –
a) Vendor onboarding process was a high touch activity and
was sequential, with low visibility to stakeholders on
CLOUDTAIL progress and pending dependencies resulting in high
__________________________________________ dropouts. Worked on the process to make the activities
move in parallel and developed a macro enabled auto-mailer
GENERAL INFORMATION to send out periodic status updates to all stakeholders.
b) Selection onboarding process was changed to fast-
Batch: PGDIM 25
track selection addition from high selection potential
BTech: UICET, Panjab vendors and Dashboard have been put in place to
streamline the selection process.
Stream: Chemical
Work Ex: Samsung, ISB
❖ How is a normal day at the Internship?
My internship started on April 1st, 2019 in Bangalore with an induction program of a couple of hours on
the first two days.
• The HR team took us through Amazon’s leadership principles, gave the IT systems, informed about the
people to reach out to, and I was off to meet my hiring managers in the second half.
• My hiring manager was a senior vendor manager . He briefly told about his team and my project and
asked me to meet the people there and learn about the work they do in detail.
• I took Knowledge Transfer (KT) sessions from the team in my first week. I was assigned my project and
my mentor in the middle of the first week. I spent this week understanding my project’s purpose and
key deliverables. I met the key stakeholders and tried obtaining their perspective of my project
(Everyone has a different understanding because the project assigned was completely forward looking
or something that the team had never worked upon. So, everyone had a different perspective and
different expectations, but they always asked me to think big and experiment. My manager told me,
“You have to tell me what we should do and not the other way around.”). Over the weekend of the
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