Page 28 - PPO Diaries
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PPO Diaries
❖ A brief overview of the project
My internship experience with GE as DTLP Intern was highly
enriching, offering a lot of learnings and fun. It can be easily
said to be the best two months for me during my MBA
program. One of the great things I liked about GE was the
work culture that provided freedom to choose your own path
and approach while working closely with higher leadership.
Internship at GE also provided me with the opportunity to
explore the vast and multiple business domains of GE
including aviation, healthcare, power and renewables,
offering me cross-functional experience.
Internship started with the induction program where we got
ARPIT GARG an overview of the huge conglomerate. I was part of GE
Corporate’s Finance Data Lake team. The team was
responsible for managing vast amount of data specifically
__________________________________________ financial data of GE businesses and building digital products
and solutions for management and analytics on top of it. My
GENERAL INFORMATION project revolved around enhancing the User Experience on
different digital products and services through Data Driven
Batch: PGDIM 25
and ML approaches. Project gave me an opportunity to learn
BTech: IIIT Jabalpur the various aspects of Product Management and applications
of data analytics and data management in the corporate
Stream: Computer Science environment.
Work Ex: Fresher
❖ What are the challenges faced during Internship?
DTLP is designed to test a candidate in and out. You are not just solving real life problems that helps the
company but are also getting a chance to demonstrate your leadership skills.
During my internship, initial few days were the most challenging days because that is the time, I was
supposed to understand the culture, the team as well as setting expectations and deliverables for the
project simultaneously.
Moreover, sometimes there were moments I was not aware what to do next, specifically with the
Also, I was interacting and gathering requirements while having discussions from high level managers
from different parts of the world including USA, Mexico, China and Hungary. Although I was a bit nervous
at times but it was indeed an enthralling learning experience.
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