Page 16 - News Letter
P. 16


                                        Math                              English

        LO: To use figurative language effectively to describe.
        Learners  used  similes  and  metaphors  to  describe  themselves.  They    learnt  to  describe  their
        personality traits using effective similes and metaphors .The activity helped them to develop
        better understanding of using similes and metaphors in description.


        Data handling was taken up with its implications and importance being talked about. Types of
        Data, how to collate it , present it and how to interpret are the objectives of this topic. At the end
        of this topic the learners would be able to understand and use the various types of representation
        of data. They will be able to understand the difference between percentage and percentile.

        Science: Chemistry

        LO: Acids, bases and salts and chemical energetics.
        The characteristics of acid and base were taught. Identification tests for cations and anions were
        taught using PPT and videos. Students were given short notes and worksheets to enhance the
        understanding and synthesis level. Daily life applications of acids and bases were analysed by the
        The learners were able to differentiate between exothermic and endothermic reaction energy
        profile diagrams. They were taught to calculate the enthalpy change of a reaction using the data
        provided to them.
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